Page 16 - Scopus Scholarly Utilisation By Malaysian
Scopus Scholarly Utilisation By Malaysian Public Tertiary Institutions 2020/21
P. 16
This report aims to provide information on the intensity of Scopus bibliography database usage by all the Malaysian public universities, including the Citation & Infometrics Center. Four (4) key items or elements are used to measure the intensity of usage, and the data is provided by Scopus. The items are i)Sessions ii)Regular Searchers, iii)Literature Discovery and iv)Infometric usage. Below are the detailed descriptions of the items1:
i. Sessions:
ii. Regular Searches:
iii. Literature Discovery:
iv. Infometrics Use Activity:
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix.
A session starts at the moment of the first request by the user and ends after 120 minutes of no activity.
Counts all implicit and explicit on-platform searches.
Keeps tracking the number of times:
Full document record views
The total use of an external link from Scopus to full-text documents.
The report gives information about the use of the Scopus research performance measurement tools for the current year to date. The report shows:
Affiliation Profile Views
Author Profile Views
Analyse Author Output Views Citation Overview Requests Citation Overview Exports Compare Journals Analyzer Views Publication Metrics Views
Results Analyser Views
Cited-By Clicks
1 From “Scopus Customer Usage Report”, Usage-Report-Descriptions.pdf,
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