Page 3 - Materials Australia - April 2019
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From the President
 Welcome to the April 2019 edition
of Materials Australia — my first opportunity to give you some insight into the activities that Materials Australia has planned for 2019.
The year has kicked off very quickly, with
a lot of positive developments stemming from CAMS 2018 and other work undertaken towards the end of last year.
The first announcement I’d like to make is that the Materials Innovations in Surface Engineering conference is back on the calendar. MISE 2020 is scheduled for February 2020 at Swinburne University in Melbourne. Our Co-Chairs for the MISE 2020 conference are Professor Christopher Berndt (Director of
ARC Training Centre Surface Engineering of Advanced Materials, Swinburne University) and Associate Professor Colin Hall (University of South Australia, and South Australia Branch President). Stay informed of developments via the conference website:
Rolling on from CAMS 2018, comes the announcement that the CAMS 2020 Co-Chairs have been selected. We are pleased to announce that the Materials Australia Co- Chair is Professor Xinhua Wu (Director of the Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing and ARC Centre for Design in Light Metals). The Australian Ceramic Society Co-Chair
is Dr Andrew Ang (Swinburne University
and SEAM). The first committee meetings have already been held to kick off the next instalment of the combined conference with our colleagues at the Australian Ceramics Society. For all the latest updates on CAMS 2020 keep an eye on
Things are really starting to leap ahead with the planning and management of NANO 2020, to be hosted by Materials Australia at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 6 to 10 July 2020. Materials Australia’s Professor Jian Feng Nie is the Chair of this conference. He is already
busy designing an engaging and thought provoking program. For all your updates see
As you can see Materials Australia is looking to have a very busy 2020, with three international conferences on the calendar. These conferences will provide our members with access to knowledge and people in
materials and materials research from around the globe.
We haven’t forgotten about 2019 either. The 2nd Asia-Pacific International Conference
on Additive Manufacturing, APICAM 2019, is just around the corner. APICAM 2019 is back to RMIT University in Melbourne from 30 June 2019 to 3 July 2019. There are updates on APICAM 2019 included in this edition of the magazine, and the website has further details:
A quick visit to the conference website will show the conference committee has been busy assembling a ‘who’s who’ of the additive manufacturing industry. The program includes key industry leaders and researchers from around the world. This undoubtedly will be an exciting follow-
on to the highly successful APICAM 2017 conference.
The process of running Materials Australia continues relentlessly with our branch committees busily putting together the state level events for you all to engage in over the year. The Annual General Meeting of Materials Australia will be held on 18 April 2019. If anyone is interested in attending (dialling-in) to the teleconference, see the Materials Australia website.
As always, I welcome your thoughts on Materials Australia matters, so please
feel free to email me on president@ or come over and say hello if at conferences and functions.
Paul Plater, National President
  A Great Loss: Vale, Lou Vance Chief Research Scientist, ANSTO
 We are deeply saddened to announce that Chief Research Scientist, Dr Eric ‘Lou’ Vance, has passed away suddenly.
Lou’s career at ANSTO began first in 1968 when he undertook neutron diffraction studies of metal alloys and oxides at the then Australian Atomic Energy Commission.
After spending time at University College London, Pennsylvania State University
and the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited where he studied nuclear wasteform science, he brought all his knowledge and experience back to ANSTO to contribute to the development of the Synroc Technology.
In 1987, he was made a senior research scientist at ANSTO and then progressed to more senior roles, including Chief Research Scientist in 2001, in which he continued his work
on the Synroc Technology.
Lou authored nearly 400 articles in international journals and refereed conference proceedings and was the co-author of three patents relating to Synroc.
Lou’s influence and contribution to ANSTO will continue
long into the future as his wasteform product will be produced by the SyMo Facility for the next 40 years.
Lou Vance accepts award for sustained contribution to ANSTO for his work on Synroc. Credit: ANSTO
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