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publishers page Barbecue Hacks National Barbecue News PO Box 981 Douglas, GA 31534 PHONE: 800-385-0002 EMAIL: WEBSITE: Co-Founders Joe M. Phelps and Dr. Don “Doc” Gillis Publisher R. Kell Phelps Editor Carlene S. Phelps Office Manager Janet Phelps Featured Contributors Ardie A. Davis (aka Remus Powers) Bob Lyon Frank Boyer Doug Mosley Daren Proctor Vic Clevenger Mark Noordsy Dana Hillis Ray Sheehan Rocky Danner Published Monthly By Baylyn Enterprises, Inc. In Memoriam Joe M. Phelps • Dr. Don “Doc” Gillis Brian Heinicke • Billy Bones NBN is proud to be THE official publication for: The National Barbecue News is published monthly by Baylyn Enterprises, Inc., for (U.S.) $25 per 1 year or 12 issues, 336 Phelps Rd., Douglas, GA 31533. Periodicals Permit USPS 018428, entered at Dou- glas, Ga. Reproduction of art work, original copy, editorial material, etc. appearing in the National Barbecue News is strictly prohibited without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Our responsibility for errors and omissions consists only of the re-print of advertising space in the next edition. Opinions of writers/columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners. We reserve the right to edit, condense, or omit any ad or submitted article and are not responsible for any copyright infringements. Deadline for content is the 15th of each month. For additional information, call the National Barbecue News office at 1-800-385-0002 or contact us via email at POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NATIONAL BARBECUE NEWS, P.O. Box 981 Douglas, GA 31534-0981 ©2019 Baylyn Enterprises/ National Barbecue News        R. Kell Phelps Publisher I love to learn how different things get done. A different hobby of mine is carpentry work, but hon- estly, I don't practice it enough to get better at it. A perfect example of this is the tile shower I built for our bathroom a few years back. I watched hundreds of how-to videos for each step involved so I would have a decent outcome upon completion of the project. When I finished up it looked pretty good, but the experience taught me a ton and if I do it again I am betting it would turn out perfect. Barbecue is also filled with a ton of "hacks" or different how-to's to have a great outcome. I love the fact that you can cook ribs about a million dif- ferent ways with a great result. It's also funny how some mistakes will lead to a new recipe. I am not sure I can ever say that a carpentry mistake led to a better way of doing something as most of those mistakes call for a redo. I would be curious to know what your favorite BBQ hack is. I would think my favorite and most used hack is the process of using a fork or jacquard lightly press seasoning into large or thick cuts of meat. Look us up on any of our social media pages and share your hacks with us. Can't wait to learn from you!  Until Next Month...Keep It Smokin' Kell and Crew - 4 SEPTEMBER 2019 h F t g c p t F " w h t d b s f e h b n t B t t o c s e u i w i M h s h y a j t " e 

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