Page 17 - DEC2021 Digial Issue: Barbecue News Magazine
P. 17

 happens every time NBBQA members find themselves together. Just like with your own family, you know a great story is about to happen when you hear the words, “Remember that time when...”
One of my fondest memories growing up was when the whole family got together at my aunt’s house for Christmas Eve. Dad’s siblings would come from all over the country each year, bringing all their kids. When my cousins and I would get together it was a lot like a Home Alone remake. You know the scene the night be- fore they leave for the big family trip. The older cousins hanging together sneaking beer out of the refrigerator. The middle cousins trying to fit in but kind of still wanting to play. Then the younger ones running around the house because there has been a lot of sugar consumed. When I think about the holidays, recalling my youth, it isn’t long until I begin telling stories of how I miss those times.
I miss them because we simply don’t get together like this any- more. The grandparents and some of the siblings have passed away. The cousins have all grown up, moved away and
have begun their own family traditions. But the sto-
ries and memories all remain. Although they may not be the same as we remember, the new cousins will have new memories which they
will carry on to their children and grandchil- dren. The NBBQA gatherings may not always resemble the ones in the past, but with new members drawing on the experience with the seasoned members, all the future ones will be just as memorable.
With the NBBQA, the get-togethers, especially the
annual conference, was huge. The conference was a big
fund raiser for NBBQA (don’t forget, we are a non-profit organiza- tion) which played a major role in running the day to day as well as contributed to paying for future conferences. The silent and regular auction was always fun to watch. Attendees circling the silent auction tables to make sure they are out bid and the fun we
all had with the emcee as major donated items are bid on. It’s at these conferences where a novice barbecue cook was able to sit at the same table and enjoy a great conversation with Mike Mills or Dave Raymond.
Just when the new networking events were beginning to gain mo- mentum, COVID hit and not only shut these down. These events honored a great NBBQA member for their contribution to the NBBQA and BBQ as a whole. We often enjoyed a great breakfast and there was no real agenda other than just getting together at bigger events like Memphis in May. For the past two years there hasn’t been an annual conference which has been a major blow to the NBBQA both from business and personal perspectives. There is hope to change all of this for 2022 but we still need you, our mem- bers, to spread the NBBQA love until we can all get through it.
Thinking about years past in the NBBQA is almost like the Spirit of Christmas Past taking Scrooge to recall his childhood and Christ- mases past. He saw the happiness of it all and didn’t want to go when the spirit told him it was time. We can all recall memories of
NBBQA past. Along with these memories with scenes from the present and future, changed his view on life. As we
look to the present, NBBQA, times are tough, but un- like the Spirit of Christmas Future for Scrooge, we have hope. Hope our NBBQA family continues to
grow. Hope there will be many NBBQA gather- ings in our future, especially the national con- ference. Hope that all the future barbecuers have NBBQA memories they can share with the
generations coming behind them.
Have a Great Holiday Season from the NBBQA and we’ll see you in the New Year!
AWARDS of EXCELLENCE Submission window is open! All entries must be postmarked by January 14th, 2022.
Get your submissions sent in before it gets too busy with all the holiday parties. Visit for more information.
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DECEMBER 2021 - 17

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