Page 7 - DEC2021 Digial Issue: Barbecue News Magazine
P. 7

  Prior to announcing contest awards, longtime volunteer, the late Marge Plummer, was recognized with a spe- cial Lifetime Achievement Award. Marge’s daughter, Pam, accepted the award on Marge’s behalf. World Champion Pitmaster Tuffy Stone was recognized with the special Gary and Car- olyn Wells “Pioneer of Bar- beque” Award.
Congratulations to Brad
Leighninger‘s Getting
Basted team from Spring-
field, Missouri, 2021 Grand
Champion, and to Joe Pearce’s SLAP’s team from Kansas City, Kansas, 2021 Reserve Grand Champion. Complete contest results are available on- line The Kansas City Barbeque Society (
Hearty congratulations to all teams that competed at The Jack this year. You’re a winner to have been there and you’ll always have bragging rights for competing in the most prestigious barbecue contest in the world.
Check out Frank Boyer’s photos of award recipients on pages 40 & 41 of the November 2021 Barbecue News.
Saturday Night Informal Farewell Party
Back in the day when the majority of judges and teams stayed in the same or nearby lodging in Tullahoma, the hospitality room in a local motel be-
It’s Saturday night, the Krystals & fries are gone & the party is almost over.
came a gathering place for a Saturday night farewell party. After partaking of snack foods, Lynchburg Lemonade, Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey and other refreshments, some- body said, “Who wants a Krytal?” Hands shot up, a hat was passed, boxes and bags of Krystal sliders and fries soon arrived for all. A new tradition was born.
Although today’s teams, judges, volunteers and other barbecue faithful scatter to destinations in all directions
Tonya Swann & Michael Quessenberry waiting to see who is crowned Grand Champion.
after the awards ceremony, there is always a party in Tullahoma. In recent years that party has happened at the Holiday Inn Express. It happened again this year! Were there Krystals? As they say in Minnesota, “You betcha!”
Hats off!
Hats off to the hard work and smart work at the judges’ check-in, turn-in table, judging tables, and comptroller center—plus the hay & ice crews, team ambassadors, sheriff officers, bus drivers, tour guides, Visitor Center staff, distillery staff, Mayor Bonnie Lewis & the Moore County/Lynchburg governing body, Metropolitan Lynchburg residents, Tennessee Squire staff, Lynchburg businesses, food trucks and catering staff, the inimitable outstanding Chip Chapman, master of ceremonies—and a standing ova- tion to Debbie Christian and her team for orchestrating a friendly, smooth, efficient event from start to finish. The Jack is Back!
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DECEMBER 2021 - 7

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