Page 57 - Sous Vide Que
P. 57

 The sous vide steak is on the left. As you can see, the reverse seared steak on the right is a very different color. That’s because it was exposed to small amounts of smoke from the charcoal throughout the cook. Compounds in smoke vapors lock in the pink color of the pink protein myoglobin in the meat, giving it a pinker tone. The crust was also heartier and thicker due to greater surface dehydration in the grill. Notice that it also has lost a bit more surface fat because it was cooked at a higher temperature. You can see that especially well in the area near where the bone is connected to the meat.
As for juiciness, there is a lot of water loss with both cooking methods. With any cooking method, if you weigh the meat before and after, you will notice that it can lose as much as 20% of its weight to purge. Well, for sous vide, there is also a lot of purge in the bag when you take the meat out. How much depends on the cooking temperature and time. Sous vide cooking a ribeye steak to 140°F or grilling it to 140°F can produce twice as much purge as

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