Page 21 - Barbecue Chicken Made Easy
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unappealing. On the other hand we despise waste, especially of animals, so salvaging this meat is admirable.
Natural. This is strictly a marketing word. Legally, all meat labeled "natural" must be
No Antibiotics. The term “no antibiotics” may be used on labels for meat if sufficient documentation is provided by the producer to the USDA demonstrating that healthy animals were raised without antibiotics. Sick animals may still be treated with antibiotics. This is an important term, not for the quality of the product since evidence shows there is no residual drug left in the animal, but because the over use of antibiotics in farm animals encourages the breeding and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria. This puts humans at risk as some of our most important disease fighting antibiotics become ineffective.
No Hormones. Hormones are not allowed to be given to hogs or poultry so the claim “no hormones” on a label is like saying “no milk added” on an orange juice bottle. If you see it on a chicken label, somebody is trying to bamboozle you.
Organic. In order to be labeled “USDA Organic” birds must meet a special regimen. The day after they escape the egg they can be given antibiotics and often are. After day one, they must be fed certified organic feeds. They cannot contain animal by-products, antibiotics, or genetically engineered grains, and they cannot be grown using persistent pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Notice the word persistent. This means pesticides can be used, but they must disappear before being fed to the birds. The birds cannot be given drugs, and they must have outdoor access. As with “free range,” that doesn’t mean they actually go outside. Organic birds are
minimally processed with no artificial
 flavorings, colorings, or preservatives added after slaughter. But
 that definition makes almost all meat products "natural," so it's a
 fairly meaningless term.

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