Page 9 - Barbecue News Magazine May 2022
P. 9

Beautiful. Each yielded delicious results. Sprinkling various BBQ seasonings on plain national brand chips also yielded delicious results.
Whether your favorite BBQ potato chips are a regional brand, national brand, homemade or plain chips from a bag, sea- soned homestyle with your favorite barbecue seasoning, “best” is up to the palate of the eater. To adapt a quip from the late Stan Nelson by way of what a French winemaker told him about wine: The best BBQ Potato Chip is the BBQ potato chip you like!
Homemade chips seasoned with Charlie Vergos’ “dry sauce” triggered fond memories of Memphis in May.
What’s not to like about chips seasoned with DennyMike’s Chick Magnet!
Some thicker chips seasoned with Jim Quessenberry’s Spice Beautiful lives up to the name!
    MAY 2022 - 9

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