Page 4 - Barbecue News April 2020 Issue
P. 4

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National Barbecue News
PO Box 981
Douglas, GA 31534 PHONE: 800-385-0002 EMAIL: WEBSITE:
Joe M. Phelps and Dr. Don “Doc” Gillis
R. Kell Phelps
Carlene S. Phelps
Office Manager
Janet Phelps
Featured Contributors
Ardie A. Davis (aka Remus Powers) Frank Boyer
Doug Mosley
Daren Proctor
Vic Clevenger
Mark & Gretchen Noordsy Dana Hillis
Ray Sheehan
Michael Garrison Raymond Cato
Vernee Green Myers
Published Monthly By
Baylyn Enterprises, Inc.
In Memoriam
Joe M. Phelps • Dr. Don “Doc” Gillis
Brian Heinicke • Billy Bones • Rocky Danner • Jim Tabb
NBN is proud to be THE official publication for:
The National Barbecue News is published monthly by Baylyn Enterprises, Inc., for (U.S.) $25 per 1 year or 12 issues, 336 Phelps Rd., Douglas, GA 31533. Periodicals Permit USPS 018428, entered at Dou- glas, Ga.
Reproduction of art work, original copy, editorial material, etc. appearing in the National Barbecue News is strictly prohibited without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Our responsibility for errors and omissions consists only of the re-print of advertising space in the next edition. Opinions of writers/columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners. We reserve the right to edit, condense, or omit any ad or submitted article and are not responsible for any copyright infringements. Deadline for content is the 15th of each month. For additional information, call the National Barbecue News office at 1-800-385-0002 or contact us via email at
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©2020 Baylyn Enterprises/ National Barbecue News
       R. Kell Phelps
– God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. – Reinhold Niebuhr
Change is a fact of this life and as we get older these changes become harder to except. As humans, we are very habit-ori- ented individuals and change doesn't fit well with most who
are comfortable. Think about how hard it is to push away from a table topped with championship quality ribs when you are only half full. Changing your physical position from the table is tough, but if you stay there and over partake, the consequence will un- doubtedly be worse than the pushing back.
The most significant change to my adult way of life came just after September 11, 2001. The cowardice attacks on our country that day led to major changes in literally thousands of systems across the world. After these past few weeks of watching the COVID-19 virus spread across the globe, I am convinced that the changes 9- 11 brought could be minor compared to what we are about to see. Watching some of these changes happening now to my BBQ Family has been beyond tough!
Growth comes from change. My rib cooking skills certainly got better with changes (not to mention countless racks of sub-par ribs). As we move forward, there will be some tough decisions to be made. Some of these decisions will be on a personal level, but there will be some made on a national and world level to help us keep this virus at bay. Without question, some of these decisions will adversely affect every aspect ofour current BBQ lifestyle. Restaurants, caterings, contests, tailgating, and backyard BBQ par- ties will undoubtedly change in some way after this trial has ended. I honestly don’t see any aspect of the BBQ world being ex- actly the same when this passes.
Every decision we make will have some type of consequence. My kids get sick of hearing this harsh but very true statement. Choose to overeat and you will be overfull. Choose not to eat enough and you will still be hungry. It's too bad all decisions can't be this sim- ple with their consequences. Just know that I will be praying for every decision made as we, the BBQ Family and America, move forward to put this growing experience behind us.
Until Next Month...Keep It Smokin'
Kell and Crew
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APRIL 2020

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