Page 30 - October 2021 Issue
P. 30

 Vic Clevenger
Chimney Cartel
 I’m going to be vulnerable here if you don’t mind. I’m tired of losing. I have been competing in food sport for several years now and have walked on many stages to collect an award. But lately after the awards ceremony I’ve walked back to my truck carrying nothing but my camping chair. As much as I like my chair, I really would like to also carry a trophy as well and a lit- tle prize money wouldn’t hurt either. To continue with my vul- nerability, I miss it. Once you’ve had a taste of success, you want more of it. Anyone who has walked on stage, whether it’s once or a hundred times, you always want one more and miss it when it doesn’t happen.
How do I fix this? How can I get back on the stage? How can I add more trophies to my collection? How many of you are sit- ting there thinking, “I know exactly what you’re saying, Vic. I’m there as well.” The one thing I know is every group of judges are different and it can be tough chasing their tastebuds. Another fact I know is some have it figured it out because they have de- veloped consistent flavor profiles that win, but they haven’t al- ways been this way. Once upon a time they were (and possibly still are from time to time) right where I am now. The difference between walking back to the truck with a trophy and just walk- ing back to the truck, is a change of mindset.
Recognize there needs to be a Change
No one likes change. There are a lot of ways people will use to try to ease into it but, let’s be honest, no one likes it. The terms “set in your ways” and “teach an old dog new tricks” come from our natural resistance to change. I have a friend so resistant to change, he still has a flip phone (but tells his wife to google something on her smart phone). Even if it makes things easier or better, there are some who just don’t like it. However, in order to grow, one must recognize there is a need to change. When it comes to competing, as hard as it is for me, I must rec- ognize the need to change how I am doing things, even if it hurts a little. As much as I like a rub, is it hurting or helping? Do I marinate or not? One area in which I decided I needed to change, was practice. Although, in my mind there isn’t a better cook than me, in reality there are plenty. What sets them apart from the others is what they do away from the contests. Devel- oping recipes, practicing steaks, and plenty more. So, for me, the first area I need to change is time. I need to make time to practice and develop. Then I’ll be ready to be back where I used to be.
This can be applied to all areas, from hobbies to business. Think how meat markets moved from manual scales to digital. This change probably saved money. Look at the coffee houses and
shops that use the Square instead of a regular register. These are just two areas in which businesspeople recognized the need for change and did something about it. The latter is always harder than the former.
Comfort Stands in the way of Change
Recognizing the need for change, in many ways is the easy part. Actually, changing is the hard part. It is easier to come up with excuses as to why we can’t. “We’ve never done it that way be- fore” is the phrase that will destroy wherever it takes root. Why is this phrase so powerful? Being comfortable with how things are is the main reason. You know that old pair of sneakers you have in your closet? The ones that are broken, dirty, and have a hole in the sole. How comfortable are they? It’s why we love them and won’t replace them or throw them away but you and I both know, you need to. You need a new pair. Your feet will thank you. But the others are so comfy. This is why that phrase has power, its comfortable. - 28
Sometimes It Just Takes a Change of Mindset
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