Page 21 - MAY 2020 Barbecue News Magazine
P. 21

creative bbq
Things To Do While Social Distancing
  Vic Clevenger
Chimney Cartel
 Our lives have changed drastically during the first part of 2020 with the spread of COVID-19 around the world. Events have been canceled or postponed to later in the year. Lines are forming out- side of Walmart just to get in because only a certain amount are permitted in safely. Before this, masks were only worn by the med- ical professionals or those working with dust particles. Now, we’re all wearing them to the point some look like Jesse James riding up to a train robbery.
Companies all over the United States have furloughed their em- ployees as they wonder when they will open again. With this many people at home waiting to go back to their careers, insanity is be- ginning to seep in. Not the dangerous kind, but rather, the stir- crazy kind. At this point, most are more concerned with cabin-fever than COVID fever. While the CDC and the healthcare community work on prescriptions for the latter, here are a few things you can do to help ease the former.
1.Create A New Recipe
Someone said, “If you don’t come out of this as a better cook, then you’ve wasted an opportunity.” With all the cookbooks out there, it would be hard to imagine there could be something new to create but there are. Everything you have eaten has a recipe someone has created. Recently, we published a video of a creation we’ve been doing for years and quickly realized it was something brand new. Play around with what has been family favorites or new takes on old staples. You’ll undoubtedly be surprised at what you come up with. In addition to that, you get to eat your mistakes.
2.Cook Something New
A favorite movie of mine is, Julie & Julia which is about a writer, when blogging was brand new. Julie Powell decided to cook her way through Julia Child’s famed Mastering the Art of French Cook- ing then blog about it. What is fascinating about this is, each recipe (as old as they are) was something brand new for Julie. She found a connection with the author, themed nights around the recipes and learned that she truly loved to cook as well as write. How many of us have cookbooks on our shelves which were bought with every intention of cooking something, but haven’t? Remem- ber when churches did cookbooks from their parishioners. Yep I have a couple of those as do you. Try something from one of these.
3.Choose a Cooking Theme
Living in Florida, we are Disney people (it’s almost a law here) but since it’s close, we can’t attend like we did (at least once a week). In an effort to keep Disney people engaged, they have added to their app a section called, Now You’re Cooking allowing you to make some of their famous (and not so famous) dishes. So, we had a Disney night where we watched a Disney movie and made their coveted Dolewhips. You can do this as well with whatever cuisine
you think would be fun with a movie. Try a Moroccan dish while watching Casablanca or even something French harking back to the famous line, “We’ll always have Paris.” Spaghetti while watch- ing The Godfather or just grill up some hotdogs while you enjoy, The Pride of the Yankees while wearing your favorite team’s jersey.
4. Check Your Freezer for a Surprise
Recently the question was asked, “What’s for dinner?” Perhaps you’ve heard this or a similar question in your house. Some sug- gestions may include a pizza from your favorite place or some place you’ve not visited in a while. However, during this time there are not as many options (although many places do still provide carry out and delivery). The answer beginning to be given more and more is, “We have lots here to eat.” This is not news to me since I have three side by side refrigerators and one deep freeze. So, we decided to go through each of these and make a check list on what’s inside. Much to my surprise was a lot of food we’d for- gotten we had (mainly in the freezers). Sure, some of it had to be thrown out because it had been in there so long, but a great bit of stuff could be cooked and enjoyed. Surprise!
5. Coordinate Your Pantry Supplies
Have you ever investigated your pantry and realized you couldn’t even see what was along the back? This happened to me recently so I pulled everything out and reorganized it in such a way, we could now see so much canned pumpkin pie filling it doesn’t need to be on the grocery list for several years. Take this time to organ- ize not only your pantry but your spice rack, competition cooking gear or even your catering supplies. We’ve all been there where we are searching for something we know we have but can’t find it nor have time to tear the place a part to look for it. So, what do we do? Yep, we buy yet another one. Spend this time you have making your life a little easier.
6. Clean Your Cookers
This is unpleasant work but as you know, but it must be done. I know of one cook who had not used his gas grill in so long there was a nest inside of it, so needless to say a power washing was in his future. But do not let your cookers get in such a condition where you have no choice but to clean them. I know many are out there thinking about seasoning your grills but there is a huge dif- ference between seasoning and creosote. Your cookers are resting since there are no competitions and few catering gigs, so take this time to put them back in tip-top shape as we anticipate everything ramping up again soon.
Sure, there are many more things you can do to occupy your time (please don’t say you can watch Tiger King...again) while you are home. However, use your time wisely and creatively while having some fun with your family while doing it.
MAY 2020 - 21

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