Page 49 - MAY 2020 Barbecue News Magazine
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  For additional information, visit the Lone Star Barbecue Society website at www.lonestarbarbe-
May 7-8, 2020: 5th Annual Smokin’ in Action, Wichita Falls,
TX. Contact: Christmas in Action, Phone: 940-696-9393, Email: Christ- POST- PONED 10/9-10
May 15-16, 2020: MSCA BBQ Cook- off, Madisonville, TX. Contact: Sharon Phelps, Phone: 936-348-8460,
Email: POS TPONED 07/17-18
May 15-16, 2020: Railhead Festival, Baird, TX. CANCELED
May 15-16, 2020: Sanderson, TX. CANCELED
May 15-16, 2020: World Champi- onship Bison Cook-Off, Santa Anna, TX. Contact: Montie Gutherie,
Phone: 325-348-3826,
Email: May 22-23, 2020: Homecoming
Cook-Off, Gustine,
TX. Contact: Derek Ahearn, Phone: 325-330-0916.
May 29-30, 2020: Kevin Vest Memo- rial Cook-Off, Dublin, TX CAN- CELED
May 29-30, 2020: Red River Veter- ans Smokeout, Quanah, TX.
May 29-30, 2020: Clear Lake Elks Lodge Cook-Off, Kemah, TX. Contact:
Jim Ott, Phone: 713-829-2199, Email:
June 5-6, 2020: VFD Cook-off, Gor- don, TX.
June 5-6, 2020: Spring Fling, Evant, TX.
June 5-6, 2020: Grill Fest, Shelby County, TX.
June 12-13, 2020: Cow Camp Cook- off, San Saba, TX.
June 12-13, 2020: Gladewater’s Hometown Throw-Down BBQ Contest, Gladewater,
TX. Contact: Lola May, Phone: 903- 985-1133,
June 12-13, 2020: Longest Day Cook-off, Magnolia, TX. Contact: Joni Thompson, Phone: 713-540-1695, Email: POST- PONED 09/11-12/2020
June 12-13, 2020: 20th Annual Fort McKavett VFD BBQ Cook-off, Fort McKavett, TX. Contact: Ed LeClair, Phone: 325-949-6297 or Lisa Lester,
Phone: 325-215-9336. POSTPONED JUNE 2021
June 12-13, 2020: Chisholm Trail Round-up, Lockhart, TX. CANCELED
June 12-13, 2020: Juneteeth, Fort Worth, TX. POSTPONED JUNE 2021
June 19-20, 2020: ASCO 9th Annual Benefit Car & Bike Show and Bar- beque Cook Off, San Antonio,
TX. Contact: Kyle Smith, Phone: 210- 333-8000, Email:
June 19-20, 2020: Panther Hill Pit Crew Cook-Off, Liberty Hill, TX.
June 26-27, 2020: 2nd Annual Star Fest, Brownwood, TX. Contact: Deb- bie, Phone: 325-998-8877.
June 26-27, 2020: TNT Fest Cook Off, Jacksboro, TX.
June 26-27, 2020: Showdown BBQ Cook-off, Magnolia, TX.
July 10-11, 2020: Granite Fest, Gran- ite Shoals, TX.
July 17-18, 2020: Night in Old Fred- ericksburg Cook-Off, Fredericksburg, TX. Contact: Chad Ellebracht,
Phone: 830-997-2359, Email: chad.ell-
July 17-18, 2020: MSCA, Madisonville, TX.
July 24-25, 2020: 4th Annual Sims Strong Benefit & BBQ Cook-Off, Liberty Hill, TX. Contact: Charity Thorn- ton, Phone: 512-630-5677.
For more information, visit the Mid-Atlantic Barbecue Associa- tion website at
May 8-9, 2020: BBQ Jamboree, Fred- ericksburg, VA. Contact: BBQ Jam- boree, Phone: 540-408-3789, Email:
May 15-16, 2020: Smokin on the Buffalo BBQ Brawl, Mannington, WV.
May 15-16, 2020: Twin Valley Fire & Smoke, Morgantown, PA.
May 15-16, 2020: Kings of Q BBQ Cook-Off, Ayden, NC.
June 5-6, 2020: Sun BBQ Fest, (Non-MABA Event), Uncasville, CT.
June 6-7, 2020: Beltway BBQ Show- down, Upper Malboro, MD. CAN- CELED
June 12-13, 2020: Colonial BBQ Competition, New Castle, DE.
June 19-20, 2020: Almost Heaven BBQ Bash, Weston, WV.
June 26-27, 2020: York County BBQ
Festival, Delta, PA.
June 26-27, 2020: Covington Cork &
Pork, Covington, VA.
July 3-4, 2020: I Love BBQ and
Music Festival, Lake Placid, NY. July 10-11, 2020: Auburn Rotary
Party in the Park, Auburn, NY.
July 17-18, 2020: Chillin’ and Grillin’
in the Glades, Wise, VA.
July 24-25, 2020: Smoke in the
Grove, Spring Grove, PA.
Aug. 14-15, 2020: Maryland State
BBQ Bash, Belair, MD.
Aug. 14-16, 2020: The Great Virginia
Pig Out – Double, Richmond, VA.
Sept. 11-12: 16th Annual Recovery Fest and 11th Annual BBQ State Championship, Richmond, VA.
Sept. 18-19, 2020: Tilley H-D Biker Blues BBQ Rally, Salisbury, NC.
Sept. 25-26, 2020: Smoke in the Park, Lemoyne, PA.
Oct. 2-3, 2020: Keystone Class BBQ State Champi
onship, Harrisburg, PA.
Oct. 9-10, 2020: Eastern Carolina BBQ Throw Down, Rocky Mount, NC.
Oct. 18-19, 2029: Red, White & Que (Day 1 & Day 2), Jackson, NJ.
Oct. 23-24, 2020: Zom-b-que (Tenta- tive Date), Wytheville, VA.
For additional info., visit the Mem- phis Barbecue Network website at
May 29-30, 2020: Covington World’s Oldest BBQ Festival, Covington,
TN. Contact: Karen Griffin, Phone: 901- 475-7139/901-485-9075, Email: kgrif-
June 13-14, 2020: Thunder on the Water, Grenada, MS. Contact: Duan Willis, Phone: 662-703-0137,
July 16-18, 2020: Smoke on the Mountain BBQ Championship, Galax, VA. Contact: Twin County Cham- ber of Commerce, Phone: 276-236- 2184,
July 31-Aug. 1, 2020: Water Valley, Watermelon Carnival Train Tracks Pork Attack, Check back for more information.
Aug. 28-29, 2020: The South Missis- sippi Bouchere Festival, Tylertown, MS. Contact: Stephen Pigott,
Phone: 601-303-1119, Email: swpig-
September 24-26, 2020: Praise The Lard, Murphysboro, IL. Contact: Sammi Graff, Phone: 618-684-8902/ 618-521- 6957, Email:
Sept. 24-26, 2020: The Great Ruleville Roast, Ruleville, MS. Con- tact: Elise Jenkins, Phone: 662-719- 1675, Email:
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