Page 12 - MARCH 2020 Barbecue News Magazine
P. 12

  Building The Sport Of Steak Cookoffs!
  With Growth Comes Opportunity
By: SC Angus
Since the inception of the SCA in 2013 who could have imagined the growth that continues to occur day in and day out? From humble beginnings in Texas to be- coming arguably the fastest growing sanctioning body in the world. Look at the map located on the cookoff page of the website and you can see all the states along with the many countries playing host to an SCA event. With this growth comes many opportunities. One of which is simply the many events to cook a steak. It doesn’t require a whole weekend (un- less it’s a multi-steak event), a trailer or even shopping for meat. Just roll in with your grill of choice and cook. Next is the money to be made. Yep, there’s money to be won and to donated to charities. I’m not sure how much has been donated to both local and national charities but it would most likely be in the six figures. Hosting a SCA event is a quick and fun opportunity of raising funds for your fa- vorite non-profit.
With all this growth comes opportunity to become a judge. Per- haps you want to be involved but think you couldn’t compete well with the Johnny Josephs and Terry Roans, this is where becoming a judge comes into play. Look for more and more classes to be of- fered with steak contests in 2020. If you’re a promoter, consider adding a class to your event. With more certified judges and rep- resentatives, the ability to have more events will
be provided, judges can share the weight and eventually every region can have some certified judges to make each contest better.
Event Spotlight
The month of March will be witness to many SCA events all over the United States. However, in ad- dition to those, as well as the international con- tests, Brett will be the representative in Mexicali Baja, Mexico. It will be their very first SCA sanc- tioned event and couldn’t be more excited about it. They did a two judging classes and steak classes while SCA reps. were there in November paving
the way for this first time SCA cookoff in Mexico. The event will feature 100% cer- tified Judges from the US and Mexico. SCA OG, Brett Gallaway will be hand se- lecting the ribeyes for the event from the processing plant at Bona Foods their sponsor. There will be over 12,000 people attending the larger festival with tickets only being $43 US dollars. It could be more when you factor in the ticket price covers all you can eat and drink (yep, you read that right). There will also be a Peo- ple’s Choice where the winner receives an all-expense paid trip for four to Cancun. This is shaping up to be a first-class event.
SCA Business Partner
Gunter Wilhelm Cutlery and Cookware has been a long-time active supporter of the SCA. Headquartered in New Jersey, they have become the knife of choice for many world champions as well celebrities
and White House chefs. Their motto “Quality Matters” makes them a great fit for any chef, competitive cook and backyard grill master whose interested in quality. The weekend of June 6th GW will host their very first SCA competition and judging class at their showroom in Ramsey, NJ. Thank you, Gunter Wilhelm, for all you do for the cooks of the SCA.
ACE Hardware Points Race
If you’ve been watching the points race you will quickly realize they are close enough to throw a blanket over. Sandy Brown continues to hold on to the lead but narrowly over Jerry Buchan. 10 points separate the top four cooks (Layne Holmes and John Pendray). But there is one more thing to no- tice about this points race. Those in the top ten with the same last name. Sandy is 13 points ahead of her husband Tim Brown while Jerry is 13 points in front of his wife Amy. These two little contests within the overall points chase is going to be fun to watch. Can both couples stay in the top ten until we get to Ft. Worth in October? Keep watch- ing. - 12
MARCH 2020

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