Page 30 - Turkey Book from Meathead
P. 30
eritage turkeys are breeds of domestic birds that
retain characteristics largely bred out of modern turkeys like the Broad Breasted White. These breeds can thrive in conditions that more closely resemblethe good ole days of the pilgrims and pioneers. They can range freely instead of being cooped up in crowded conditions, and they grow more slowly so they come to market older, making them more expensive.
Heritage turkeys are closer to wild turkeys with flatter breasts, darker dark meat, and a slightly di erent flavor. The skin is thicker and tougher. Sometimes the meat is tougher. Since the breasts are smaller, they do not take as long to cook.
A few heritage breeds to look for: Bourbon Red, Narragansett, Standard Bronze, Royal Palm, Midget White, Blue Slate, and Black Spanish. Consult your butcher for advice on local birds or order from the excellent folks at D’Artagnan or other online specialists.