Page 14 - AO4thQT2017CL
P. 14

The The landlord landlord typically asks to be be held harmless and and and requires indemni ca ca on on on as as as well The The landlord landlord should also be be required to to add add the the tenant as as an an an an an addi onal insured on on on the the landlord’s general liability policy and and and be held harmless and and and and indemni ed for claims arising out
of incidents which occur in in in in in in in the the the areas the the the landlord is is responsible to maintain such as as the the the the parking lot common lobby or or or even the the roof where work is is being done by by contractors 4 Does the leaseholder have enough coverage
for leasehold leasehold improvements?
Leasehold improvements improvements include the altera ons to to a a a a a a a a a a a a loca on on to to accommodate company
opera ons such as as as internal walls carpe ng and trim A typical property policy policy can provide coverage
for leasehold improvements as as as as part of the the policy’s personal property property limit All too o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o en en en companies purchase only enough insurance for their own property property such as as stock furniture printers phone systems and computers Make sure to include all the right insurance provisions in in commercial leases to have enough coverage
for leasehold improvements 5 Waiving a a a a a a a carriers’ rights of subroga on on against each other Subroga on on is a a a a a a a a a term describing an an an insurance company’s right to legally pursue reimbursement of of payments from the the party responsible for causing the the loss Following is a a a a a useful rule of of thumb: “De ne who

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