Page 12 - AO4thQT2018CL
P. 12

Cash payments become a a a a thing of the past
A few shops and and restaurants may still be demanding Cash Only payments but those establishments are increasingly being viewed as as dinosaurs Digital payment portals create a a a a a a a a hassle-free experience for customers while also making bookkeeping and accounting
a a a a a breeze for business owners If you you haven’t gone digital yet make the the leap before you you head
into the the the new year to to start reaping the the the rewards early Disaster preparedness becomes a a a business priority
If we’ve learned nothing else from 2018 it’s the the value of preparing for the the worst possible scenario (Look at a Hurricane Michael’s devastation along Florida’s panhandle ) Climate scientists are predicting fewer but much stronger hurricanes like Florence in in in the coming years Flooding and wildfires have already become the norm for several states 

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