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       An Edition of the                  |                                                 Thursday, November 9, 2017 • Vol.125, No. 45 • 75 cents
     Voters make choices during municipal elections

       SANPETE COUNTY — Prelimi- votes and Don R. Olson received 346. on the council.                 Four candidates ran for the two city      Moroni
     nary results of the 2017 Municipal   Three candidates ran for the two      Gunnison            council seats. Dave Oxman received   Two candidates ran for the o  ce
     Elections have been received from  city council seats. Greg Boothe re-  Two candidates ran for the o  ce of  290 votes; Jason G. Maylett, 598;  of mayor. Paul Bailey received 205
     the Sanpete County Clerk.       ceived 486 votes, Margie O. Ander- mayor. In a very close race, Lori Nay  Brett McCall, 107; and Mary Lon- votes; and Todd Anderson, 132. The
                Centerfi eld          son,716; and Neil Johnson, 386. The  received 245 votes; and Blake Donald- nie Wintch, 552. The two seats will  new mayor will be Paul Bailey.
       The elections in Centerfi eld were  two seats will be fi lled by Greg Boothe  son 237. Nay will continue to serve as  be fi lled by Jason Maylett and Mary   Three candidates ran for the two
     cancelled since one of the candidates  and Margie Anderson.     mayor.                         Wintch.                         two-year council seats. Orson L. Cook
     withdrew, thus eliminating the need      Fountain Green           Two candidates ran for the two           Mayfi eld            received 191 votes, Jenifer Lamb, 247;
     for an election. Those who had fi led   Two candidates ran for the o  ce of  city council seats. Michelle N. Smith   In Mayfi eld, John Christensen re- and write-in Paul Green, 77. Filling
     for election will automatically fi ll  mayor. Jess Bailey received 105 votes;  received 266 votes; and Robert C.  ceived 120 votes; and Walt Jenkins, 85.  the  vacancies  will  be  Jenifer  Lamb
     the vacant seats. The mayor will be  and Willard Wood 207. Willard Wood  Andersen 384. Both will fi ll the two  Christensen will continue to serve as  and Orson Cook.
     Thomas Sorensen. The two four-year  will serve as the new mayor.  council seats.               mayor.                            In the two four-year council seats,
     council members will be David Beck   Three candidates ran for the two        Manti               For council seats, Erick Peterson re- Fred Atkinson received 219 votes; and
     and Hayden Jensen.              city council seats. Verden D. Dent un-  Korry L. Soper ran unopposed for  ceived 154 votes; Mike Bennett, 134;  Justin Morley 219. Both candidates
                 Ephraim             fortunately passed away. Rod Hansen  the o  ce of mayor. He received 675  Catherine Coulter, 45; and Malynda  will serve.
       Two candidates ran for the o  ce of  received 229 votes and write-in Larry  votes and will continue to serve as the  Bjerregaard, 173. Peterson and Bjerre-
     mayor. Richard Squire received 559  Woodcox received 201. Both will serve  mayor.              gaard will serve on the council.             Please see VOTERS, Page 2

     Eagle project upgrades VFW memorial                                                                                               Two accidents,

                                                                                                                                       no fatalities

       FAIRVIEW — Trey Robison, of Boy
     Scouts of America Troop 502, with the                                                                                               SANPETE COUNTY — On Nov.
     help of several other people recently                                                                                             1, at approximately 2:45 p.m., a
     completed his Eagle Scout project of                                                                                              1991 Chevrolet pickup driven by
     redoing and signifi cantly improving                                                                                               Cora Emmons, 41, Fairview; was
     the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)                                                                                                traveling northbound on Highway
     Memorial at the Fairview Cemetery.                                                                                                89 near milepost 279, north of Mt.
       There will be a dedication of the                                                                                               Pleasant.
     project on Veterans’ Day, Saturday,                                                                                                 The pickup left the right side of
     Nov. 11, at 10 a.m., in conjunction                                                                                               the roadway, then came back onto
     with the VFW Flag Ceremony. Lt.                                                                                                   the roadway and over corrected,
     Gov Spencer Cox is expected to be in                                                                                              crossing over the center line,
     attendance.                                                                                                                       starting to spin turning 180 de-
       The Eagle project consisted of re-                                                                                              grees before leaving the roadway
     doing, repairing and adding to the                                                                                                on the right shoulder and rolling
     VFW Memorial. It included adding                                                                                                  the vehicle up onto its driver side.
     military fl ag poles, a paver-stone                                                                                                  Fortunately Emmons was wear-
     walkway and re-located memorial                                                                                                   ing a seat belt and received only
     bench.                                                                                                                            minor injuries. She declined med-
       All  the  names  of  Veteran’s  were                                                                                            ical attention at the scene.
     redone on a display with a fl ag back-                                                                                               Later the same day, at approx-
     ground and military images which is   The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) memorial at the Fairview Cemetery has recently been signifi cantly improved   imately 3:30 p.m., a 1995 Nissan
                                     because of Trey Robison’s Eagle Scout project. It will be dedicated Saturday, Nov. 11, at 10 a.m.
     lighted at night. This also included                                                                                              KSX driven by Reuel Christensen,
     a plot map with names for locating  project earlier this year in July, but   Robison chose this project to honor  shared many stories of his experi-  82, Springville; was traveling
     graves on the other side of the board.  didn’t start physically working on it  veterans that have put their lives on  ences.      southbound on US Highway 89
     A double-sided roof was installed  until late August. He wanted to have  the line so that we, as people of this   Trey has always looked up to his   near mile post 295, near Indianola.
     above the display.              it completed in time for Veteran’s Day,  nation, may be free. Robison’s grand-                      The Nissan went left of center,
       Trey Robison started planning the  and that goal has been met.  father is a Vietnam veteran and has        Please see EAGLE, Page 2     Please see ACCIDENTS, Page 2

                                     Snow College announces partnership with USU

                                       EPHRAIM — Students studying  they complete a USU bachelor’s de- and serve as the liaison between the  benefi t to students and increased
                                     business will soon have additional  gree.                       USU Logan Campus and USU’s stu- support for economic development
                                     opportunities to complete a degree   The format is unique. USU courses  dents in Ephraim.      in our six-county service area.”
                                     because Snow College and Utah State  will be taught during traditional day-  Other  USU professors  will  also   In addition to the two bachelor’s
                                     University (USU) recently announced  time hours in the Snow College Busi- travel to Ephraim to deliver face-to- degrees in business administration
                                     a new partnership to begin with the  ness Building. Students will have ac- face content. Dr. Jim  Davis, man- and marketing, the Huntsman School
                                     fall 2018 class schedules.      cess to Snow College student services  agement department head from the  will also deliver minors in entrepre-
                                       The new partnership between  and activities, while also taking ad- Huntsman School, is enthusiastic  neurship and technical sales.
                                     the USU Jon M. Huntsman School  vantage of the vast opportunities and  about the partnership, saying, “The   Both minors could be valuable ad-
                                     of Business and the Snow College  resources available from the Hunts- USU/Snow partnership challenges all  ditions to the business-related majors
                        LUMINA IMAGES  Business Department will provide a  man School of Business.   of us to have vision, to suspend dis- and also to the two bachelor programs
     A new partnership between the   way for Snow College students to re-  Additionally, the exclusive Hunts- belief, and to ‘Dare Mighty Things’  at Snow College in commercial music
     USU Jon M. Huntsman School      main in Ephraim while earning a USU  man Scholar program will be avail- together!”             and software engineering.
     of Business and Snow College    bachelor’s degree in either business  able to qualifi ed students taking USU   Snow College President Gary Carl-
     Business Department provides a   administration or marketing.   classes at Snow College.        ston applauds the partnership: “Snow
     way for Snow College students to   Students who complete their two-  USU has committed to deliver  College is pleased to join with Utah
     earn a USU bachelor’s degree in
     either business administration   year Associate of Science Business  courses in a face-to-face format  State University in o ering this excit-
     or marketing while remaining in   degree at Snow can seamlessly move  where possible. USU professor, Dr.  ing opportunity for students. Work-
     Ephraim.                        into their third and fourth years as  Chalon Keller, will both teach courses  ing together, we can provide a great   8  08805  93545  5

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