Page 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL 2020_Neat
P. 5

It’s time to Keep it

                  Up Kids...It’s time for


                  More  than ever before
                  South African Children need

                  routine, support encourage-
                  ment, help and a place to go
                  that’s safe and encourages

                  After one of the hardest
                  years ever to have been                            a years’ worth of free educa-
                  experienced by children                            tion (conditions apply).
                  around the world, 2021
                  brings with it hopes of heal-                      Our basic school range
                  ing and moving forward. Our                        also embraces the financial

                  children hope to begin learn-                      strains of the times by offer-
                  ing and growing again.                             ing low pricing that even the
                                                                     most strained consumer can
                  And so with this in mind Cos-                      afford.
                  mic embraces the need for
                  the new with the devasta-                          Now Cosmic brings you a
                  tion brought on by COVID-19                        range for R29.99- R49.99 for
                  and offers one lucky learner                       every item bringing with

                                                                     not only low prices but best
                                                                     quality and value available
                                                                     on the market!

                                                                     It’s time to embrace our new
                                                                     reality and help our children
                                                                     keep their dreams in place
                                                                     and excel in their new world!


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