Page 125 - Nuts to You - The Nutcracker Retold
P. 125

Together Again
And Wondering Who You Are
Have you ever had a special friend who moved away and you didn’t see for a year or two? And all that time you’d missed them and re-lived all the games and adventures you’d shared – the secrets that only the two of you knew? And how you spent half the year missing them and the other half dreaming how – once they came back, you’d head for the basement or tree-house or wherever your special hidey-hole might be – and start again, in exactly the same spot, where you’d left off?
Clara was in that “together at last!” state of mind as she rushed toward Godfather Drosselmeir. She couldn’t wait to throw herself into his arms and feel his wiry, crazy hair on her cheeks as they hugged hello. But as she came up to him, what happened to Clara is exactly what happens to so many long-time separated friends – you discover they’ve changed. And it’s not just that someone has grown taller or has new glasses or cut their hair. The person you meet is a different person. If you’re lucky, it’s the same person inside, who looks a little different on the outside, and this

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