Page 166 - Nuts to You - The Nutcracker Retold
P. 166

in irritation than anything else, only to whimper in fear and freeze in fright at the sight of a six-foot-plus Nutcracker pushing its way out of the curio cabinet. Never, in Reggie’s wildest dreams, would he have imagined this outcome! He had felt incredible and invincible – but after one look at the Nutcracker’s giant jaws, he wished only to be invisible and inedible! So Reggie did the only thing he knew how to do – and that was to grab Clara and put someone else between him, and harm’s way.
The Ratties were of less timid persuasion. They charged the Nutcracker, hoping for safety in numbers, but soon realized HIS teeth were much more powerful and larger than THEIR teeth, which individually was a setback. but as a whole, should not have been a problem. BUT, Ratties, for all their size, are after all, nothing more than overgrown and particularly nasty mice – and so they were much more inclined to scatter when their first rush failed to work. The fact that most Nutcrackers come equipped with swords did not encourage their remaining around for long. For this Nutcracker was no longer a toy-sized Nutcracker with a toy-sized sword. No! This Nutcracker was a man-sized Nutcracker with a man-sized sword and, lest we forget, OVERGROWN JAWS SO BIG as to convince the Ratties that a hasty retreat was wise. And besides, they thought, a fat mouse in a far-away land is better than a poke in the pants.
And off they ran.
Leaving poor Reggie all alone.
The point, of which, he soon became aware. The news, about, which he was not happy. The fact, of which, he faced like the rat he had become. Reggie, as he hid behind Clara, became aware of her hair parting and exposing her

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