Page 29 - Nuts to You - The Nutcracker Retold
P. 29

Musings on “Someday”
Horizons are a funny thing – you can never really tell how far away they are. In the evening, when the sun sets over the sea, they feel forever-and-a-day away, but when the harvest moon rises over the hill outside my kitchen window, I believe I can walk out my door and step right onto the edge of the horizon.
Worst of all are the “someday” horizons, the ones you keep looking for, but never happen. Some are good. For example, “Someday,” your mother tells you, “we’ll go to Disneyland.” Then you spend the next umpteen million years waiting.
But the ones that make me shiver under my covers at night and worry about the door to my closet are the “Someday something bad will happen” type of some days. These are the ones delivered by teachers and parents and relatives who hardly know you but think they can run your lives. These somedays include, “Someday your bike will get run over if you leave it in the drive.” And the more ominous, “Someday you’ll get run over if you don’t watch out for cars!”

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