Page 57 - Nuts to You - The Nutcracker Retold
P. 57

Through the Clock Slowly
Runty Reggie Rhatt followed his snotty, dripping nose through the pitch black of the clock’s interior. The darker it got, the slower he went, until at last, little Reggie stood stock-still. He tried to move his foot – but it wouldn’t budge. With both hands, he grabbed his leg – but it was too heavy to lift. He grabbed the sides of the clock walls and tried to push himself forward – but he couldn’t move. Reggie stood so long in one spot with his nose continuing to drip and snot pooling in front of him, that when at last he gained the courage – or grew so afraid that Momma would come after him – that out of pure desperation, he leaped forward! He hit that snot spot with both feet – hard!
Off Reggie shot! Sliding on the snot-slicked floor, down the tunnel and toward a bright light! Reggie back-peddled and clawed the sides of the clock, but nothing he did slowed him down. In fact, Reggie thought he was gaining speed! Until – SPLAT! He pancaked into the door of the Stahlbaum grandfather clock – which was locked, of course.

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