Page 39 - NARM Model for Working with Affect
P. 39

NARM Affect Core Principle: Emotions & Identifications
§Default Emotions: Recognizing signs of emotions that reinforce child consciousness:
§Regressive Affect: emotional feelings that reinforce a helpless child perspective on self, relationships and the world; a loss of agency and self-activation
§Energetically: emotions that are not in service of disidentification tend to create more contraction, less connection, less flow
§Primary Emotions: Recognizing signs of emotions that facilitate adult consciousness:
§Non-Regressive Affect: emotions that are in service of increasing separation-individuation; reinforce a sense of agency and self-activation
§Energetically: emotions that are in the service of disidentification tend to create more expansion, greater connection, more flow
   NARM Model for Working with Affect Laurence Heller, PhD & Brad J Kammer, LMFT, LPCC 46

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