Page 42 - NARM Model for Working with Affect
P. 42
NARM Affect Core Principle: Emotional Completion
§Every new expansion-insight may become an obstacle to growth, expansion, flow
§Becoming increasingly self-aware can be used in the service of solidifying rather than dissolving old identifications
• As clients experience expansion and the dissolving of old identifications, unresolved feelings that were contained by these old identifications may begin to surface
oContraction binds the anger, hurt, loss
oAnd so this energy can be used to reinforce old identifications
§Another way of viewing it is that increased life energy challenges our range of resiliency (”window of tolerance”), and leads to a quick contraction to contain the increased energy
• This depicts the dynamics of the expansion-contraction process
NARM Model for Working with Affect Laurence Heller, PhD & Brad J Kammer, LMFT, LPCC 50