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stating that their profession after the migration was rather by compulsion than by choice. This scenario suggested that those who already belonged to a higher socioeconomic class chose to migrate to pursue better education or better employment opportunity and were at an advantageous position as a result of migration. However, the poorer section rather migrated
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out of compulsion and was at no good position even at the destination point after migration. This is somewhat similar to the backwash effect of Myrdal (1957) that suggests accelerating growth of already growing regions and concurrent deterioration of the less developed regions.
  Fig. 3. Two contrasting scenarios leading to larger inequality in resource sharing.
The research concluded that policy concerns were also required to reshape and rebrand the agriculture sector in order to make it both economically rewarding and intellectually satisfying for attracting and retaining rural educated youth. It was found that most of the respondents had a low level of entrepreneurial motivation (64.75% in UP and 65.45% in Bihar). Therefore, building business orientation is a must for rural youth to make agriculture profitable. The ongoing Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA) scheme of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research assumes special importance in this regard. It was found in the study that ARYA beneficiaries had significantly less favourable perception towards migration, higher entrepreneurial orientation and higher
intellectual satisfaction than non-ARYA beneficiaries in the same study area. Because of income generation and economic reward from the entrepreneurial activities taken up under the scheme, respondents were less likely to migrate out of the rural areas. Agro- based small enterprises; processing and value addition; credit facilities; building entrepreneurial orientation; counselling of youth for business orientation development; risk management strategies; market linkage; peri-urban agriculture; collective approach of farming; non-farm businesses such as dairy, poultry, fishery, etc.; export-oriented cultivation; off-season and protected vegetable cultivation; value chain management; custom hiring; organic vegetable cultivation; agri-clinic and agro-tourism are some of the strategies

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