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  (a) Nano bridge.
the environment. This strong coupling meant that we could exchange the energy between the two modes better and retain it for a longer time before losing it to the environment. It is like if you have a better vessel, you can heat or freeze water faster and retain it for a longer time. In the world of quantum computers, a long time period provides us enough time to perform computation and is highly desirable. In our experiments, we found that frequency tuning was one of the key
parameters to achieve strong
coupling. We also simulated
the coupling experiment using
a mathematical model based
on the Huygens’s coupled
pendulum clocks. Interestingly,
we found the model accurately
explained the coupling
mechanism. Our model
suggested that the coupling
could be further increased
by engineering the device to
have a very large frequency
tuning. The large frequency
tuning could be achieved by
engineering the device to have a low inbuilt tension in the membrane. The low inbuilt tension in the membrane provided us a large room to play with tension and thus achieve a large frequency tuning. It is like if a guitar’s string is already tightened, it is harder to tune
(b) Nano drum.
it further, but in the case of low tension, we can have a larger tuning. In the same experiment, we also demonstrated that the coupling could be used to amplify the vibrational motion, which was similar to increasing the volume of a sound but at the nanoscale. The amplification of a mode vibration would lead to the realization of a possible nano-mechanical amplifier.
Our study of mode coupling in nano devices provided key parameters to achieve strong coupling. The strong coupling between high- frequency vibrational modes at the nanoscale would lead to an improvement in the sensitivity of nano-mechanical sensors and possible integration in LIGO-like experiments. Other potential applications include health and medicine, improvements in quantum computation, and so on. Our work opened new frontiers to design a variety of nanodevices using a vast selection of novel materials and study their fundamental properties, mechanisms of coupling, and key parameters influencing these phenomena. This knowledge could be eventually translated to a wide spectrum of disciplines with desirable
Dr Parmeshwar Prasad || 35
   Our study of mode coupling in nano devices provided key parameters to achieve strong coupling. The strong coupling between high-frequency vibrational modes at the nanoscale would lead to an improvement in the sensitivity of nano-mechanical sensors and possible integration in LIGO-like experiments.

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