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phenotypes. These results will help further the case of rational selection of drug combinations that can effectively balance viral clearance and minimize tissue damage simultaneously.
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Genomics of Indian SARS-CoV-2: Implications in genetic diversity,
possible origin and spread of virus by IISc team
I study has been conducted by the researchers at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore that aims to determine the genetic diversity among Indian SARS-CoV-2 viral isolates in comparison to the strains that are occurring worldwide. In addition to identification of types of viral strains in India, it is anticipated that the study will help in understanding the source of virus origin, route of spread, transmission dynamics of the virus, disease severity, possible viral strains for vaccine development, right type of diagnostic kits, and possibly developing relaxation models of social distancing.
As on 7 June 2020, IISc team has completed analysis of 687 Indian viral genomes and found several interesting findings. The potential origin to be countries mainly from Oceania, Europe, Middle East and South Asia regions, which strongly imply the spread of virus through most travelled countries. Among different clades of the virus as identified by Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (, Indian SARS-CoV-2 viruses are enriched with certain types more than others.