Page 87 - Covid 2021 June 2021
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        The practices and initiatives in the compendium have been categorized under eight areas:
1. Establish COVID Management Centre;
2. Reduce deaths;
3. Reduce the spread;
4. Establish data dashboards;
5. Establish alert system to turn on and off physical distancing measures;
6. Communicate effectively and counter misinformation;
7. Scale-up vaccination; and
8. Sustain non-cOVID services.
Effective implementation of these strategies in the short term and medium term will certainly reduce deaths, spread of disease and prepare the health system for future outbreaks. The current situation calls for all stakeholders' strong involvement, including the community, to work in synchrony to win this war against COVID-19.
Website link: compressed_278.pdf
CSIR-CCMB releases COVID-19 Chronicles
Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB), an autonomous institute of CSIR, Government of India has come up with COVID-19 chronicles that provides an insight into the technologies developed, research on COVID-19, training programmes for mitigation of the pandemic.
     Website link:
PGIMER releases infographic booklet on air pollution and COVID-19
mitigation strategies
Globally COVID-19 has caused a serious impact on human health by affecting the respiratory system. Among all the people, COVID-19 could disproportionately affect the vulnerable population and people with diseases. The higher levels of air pollution also increase the susceptibility of COVID-19 especially in the vulnerable population. The poor air quality affects

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