Page 30 - Covid 26 July 2021
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 diabetes and other immuno-suppressed conditions to get vaccinated because they are at a higher risk. “All the vaccines that are currently available in India have gone through three phases of clinical trials. Safety is tested in the first phase itself. Immunity and efficacy are tested in the later phases. So, I assure everyone that the vaccines are absolutely safe.” Dr Panda added that blood clotting events or AEFI (adverse event following immunisation) following COVID-19 vaccination are miniscule in India.
Dr Panda also suggests that the best option is to take the vaccine available in the country now, rather than waiting for other vaccines that are available globally and may come to India after some time. Dr Panda explains, “please understand that while people may be waiting for other vaccines, which they may consider more convenient or superior, the virus is not waiting. The virus is still spreading in the country. What if you get infected, while you wait?”
Dr Panda says there is no change suggested in preventive measures and treatment of COVID-19 in light of the new variants. “All the mutants, whether it is circulating strains of the virus or the newer variants, the mode of spread is the same. Precautions like wearing masks, avoiding crowded places, hand sanitation are still the effective methods to control the spread of the virus,” he says.
He feels there is no need to change the current standard treatment methods in wake of the new variants of coronavirus, as far as the treatment of COVID-19 is concerned.
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Initiative by myGOV to engage the general public in thanking the
healthcare workers
As the second wave of COVID-19 once again tests India’s strength and dedication in defeating coronavirus, doctors, nurses and frontline workers have isolated themselves away from their families and have been working day and night to battle the atrocities of the raging pandemic. To make their job easier and help them, people can support them by following Covid appropriate behaviour and take out time to say a heartfelt thank you.
To make them feel valued, myGOV has started an initiative for healthcare workers, for which you have to first join the Thank You Healthcare Workers Initiative and share your appreciation message.
Last date: 31 December 2021
Website link: workers/?target=inapp&type=group_issue&nid=309871
    VOL. IV     ISSUE 7

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