Page 61 - Covid 26 July 2021
P. 61

Science & Technology Efforts in India
It has been more than a year since the COVID e-Newsleeer started reaching you and we want to hear what you think about it. The informaaon product is designed to keep you conversant about the services and efforts the country has put up on the face of the sudden erupaon of the COVID-19 pandemic. Your opinion is vital so that we can make sure we are including what you want to read. Please fill in the form below and rest assured that the informaaon you give will help shape future ediaons
of your coveted newsleeer. o
I. How do you rate the following aspects of COVID 2021 e-Newsleeer, focused on the second wave of the pandemic?
1. The overall appearance
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2. Ease to read and flow of informaaon
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