Page 26 - The Outdoor Showman July - September 2023
P. 26

    Show babies
 Winnie May Smans
Tia Laurie and Chris Smans welcome Winnie May Smans
Born on the 16th of March 2023 7.15 pounds 48cm long
   The Carnival
Documentary Film directed by Isabel Darling
The Carnival was featured as part of Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF), the Victorian premiere.
Debut feature director Isabel Darling spent seven years following the
Bell family and admits to having felt “tempted to drop it all and run away with them at times”. Filled with big- hearted wonder, the resulting film observes moments both intimate
and intense while situating the Bells’ plight as part of the broader tradition of the carnival – especially in a world where new technologies have changed our understanding of leisure and enjoyment.
Many Victorian Showmen attended the screening at Federations Square’s ACMI on 8 August 2023. There were lots of laughs and a few tears as the film depicted members of the Bell family in the present day and in days gone by. It was also lovely to hear from director Isabel Darling after the screening for a Q&A session.
The Victorian Showmen’s Guild encourages our industry friends to watch the film. It’s a wonderful insight into the life of the Bell family and many travelling showmen and women.
We understand that a special screening of the Carnival will feature on SBS in February 2024.
Melbourne federation square, ACMI 8 August 2023

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