Page 38 - The Outdoor Showman APR-JUN 2019
P. 38

Into the Sunset
Robert Crowley
In the Show business world there are many people that aspire to become
so totally committed and dedicated
to an identity and mark it with their
own success story. To get to their
own pinnacle, whether it be one ride
or attraction or many... Robert was
there! Not once but many times. A true master Showman who shared his many successes, in so many ways, with so many people and especially with others within this industry.
Robert closely followed his father Bill Crowley (who was a founding member) in becoming a member of the West Australian Showmen’s Association in 1959. He served on the Committee from 1962 including as a Trustee and was
a former Vice President. Robert was honoured by the members when voted a Life Member in 2013.
Robert’s dedication, commitment and professional approach to everything
he did earned him the respect and there would always be bread on the table
admiration of all who knew him. A respect that was much deeper and wider than any of us as individuals will ever know.
Robert’s personal life revolved around his three children: Leanne, Julie and James, his grandchildren: and for over 40 years his soul mate Diane. Diane and Robert completed each other and were lost when they weren’t together. When Diane got sick and wasn’t at home for a while Robert made many observations like: Cereal actually comes in boxes not clear plastic containers! Did you know there is a whole isle at the supermarket dedicated to cereal! (and none of
them look like the cereal in the plastic container in my pantry!) Do you know how much mince those magpies go through?
After family Robert’s greatest pride and joy was his Carousel. Bill Crowley bought the Carousel at a time when money was harder to find and Mrs Crowley was none too pleased. Bill Crowley explained that
Robert and James
Three generations
but now there could always be jam on the bread - putting an end to the argument.
The Carousel was also Robert’s first job. Many of us have listened to Robert tell us about shovelling the coal into the boiler but maybe not about that one night when Robert was in such a hurry to finish for the night, so he could meet a young lady, that he forgot to empty the coal bucket... there was a fire which caused quite a bit of damage!
In later life and when Robert wasn’t working he was happiest at the farm. Called the farm by everyone even though he wouldn’t let Diane keep lamas, baby emus and later no more chooks! One chook that arrived started turning up
for breakfast in the in the kitchen each morning... he wasn’t having that again. The Farm is a sanctuary of peacefulness where family, friends and colleges were welcomed and invited to share Robert’s happiness.
May Robert rest in peace knowing he was loved and respected by all who knew him.
         Robert and organ picture
Robert and laughing clowns
Robert and Diane

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