Page 6 - Parent Handbook
P. 6
• Model positive behaviors and language.
• Open responsive lines of communication.
• Make payments on time.
• Respect program hours.
• Keep contact information current.
• Be an active partner in members participation, behavior, development, and overall success at the Club.
• All field trips are optional and attendance is based on behavior.
• Permission/Waiver forms must be signed by a parent/guardian
• Field trips have limited space and are filled on a first come/paid basis.
• A parent/guardian MUST be available by telephone during a Club sponsored field trip.
• The Club reserves the right to cancel or reschedule.
• Members may use the office phone for emergencies ONLY. If a call to a parent/guardian is necessary, it will be supervised by a staff member.
• We want all members actively involved in programs/activities and not distracted by personal electronic devices. Youth members will periodically be given time to check their devices throughout the day. Devices should remain stored away at all other times.
• Teen members will be allowed to use personal electronic devices throughout the day at the discretion of program staff.
• Sharing devices is not advised.
• The Club is not responsible for lost or damaged belongings including cell phones and
electronic equipment.
• For the privacy and safety of our members, there will be disciplinary consequences if a
member is found taking pictures/videos of other members with their phone.
• For the safety of your child, members must wear closed toe shoes.
• If a member wears sandals or flip flops, they will have to sit out during certain activities.
• Clothing needs to be modest and appropriate for the physical activities.