Page 4 - HCS Foundation Leaving Legacies
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 MAXIMIZE Your legacY
Cash gifts are the most common type of gift we receive, yet non-cash gifts are often more cost effective for the giver.
We invite you to consider how a non-cash, Legacy Gift can complement your charitable intent and maximize your impact at Highland Christian School.
What types of non-cash gifts do you accept? Stock & Commodities
Real Estate
Gifts that Pay Income Business Interests Retirement Gifts (IRAS) Life Insurance Bequests
Is there anything else we need to know?
Highland Christian partners with with the Barnabas Foundation for the management of non-cash gifts. The Barnabas Foundation provides their professional services for you, free of charge, as a benefit of this partnership.
When naming Highland Christian School or the HCS Foundation as a beneficiary in your charitable giving plan, our formal name is “Association for Christian Instruction”
(FEIN 35-0898393)
     We appreciate your ongoing partnership with us in this great work!
-The HCS Foundation Board

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