Page 1 - Parker - Fulflo Mega Flow Filter Vessels
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          Fulflo  Mega Flow Filter

          Vessels for High Flow
          Capacity MegaFlow Filter

          MegaFlow  vessels are designed to
          accept MegaFlow   filter cartridges
          that handle up to 175 gpm (662 lpm)
          each.  They provide significant size and
          capital cost reduction compared with
          vessels containing conventional size
          filter cartridges. The horizontal design
          and coreless cartridge configuration
          make cartridge change fast and easy.
          Models are available for flow rates up
          to 3325 gpm (12,586 lpm).


            Horizontal design makes cartridge    Built to ASME Boiler And Pressure   Applications
            change practically effortless        Code to insure integrity
            Vessels have slight pitch to prevent   Available in carbon steel, 304L stain-  Reverse Osmosis Filtration
            V V
            liquid from spilling when opening    less steel and 316L stainless steel for   Potable Water
            cover                                a wide variety of applications        Process Water
            Pemanent internal perforated post    O-ring cover seal for quick and       Edible Oils
            supports cartridges and eliminates   positive vessel cover sealing         Lubricants
            loose internal parts                 Cover locating pin for quick and      Coolants
            Cartridges have internal O-ring for   accurate alignment                   Cutting Oils
            positve seal                         Available in 150 PSI and 300 PSI      Solvents
            Cartridge top is located flush with   pressure ratings                     Chemicals
            cover to facilitate cartridge change
            Inlet connection is below cartridges
            to prevent impingement on media

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