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XPR2 PowerStations

            The New Generation Affordable and

            Enhanced Reliability PowerStations

            for Interact Xpress

            Joining the Xpress family of “Information
            Anywhere” PowerStations, the XPR2    Performance Features
            sets a new standard as a durable     CPU                            AMD LX800 (500 MHz)
            and affordable platform for Interact   DRAM                         256 MB
            Xpress HMI applications. Newly added   Hard Drive                   512 MB CompactFlash
            robustness and reliability features
            include:                             Display Size      Resolution   Model Number
            •   Solid State CompactFlash based   No Display           —         XPR200XN-2P3
               mass storage                      6” Display      VGA (640 x 480)  XPR206VT-2P3
            •   Fan-less convection cooling      8” Display      VGA (640 x 480)  XPR208VT-2P3
            •   Elimination of all moving parts  for   10” Display  VGA (640 x 480)  XPR210VT-2P3
               enhanced reliability and long-term                               XPR215XT-2P3
               service                           15” Display    XGA (1024 x 768)  XPR215AT-2P3*
                                                * Stainless steel bezel
            These design enhancements place the
            XPR2 among the most rugged and
            reliable Interact Xpress PowerStations
                                                                                   XPR2 Features
                                               The second generation XPR2
                                               PowerStation family offers a
                                               hardware/software solution that is   All XPR2 models are designed to
                                               optimized for harsh environments.   be the perfect complement to our
                                                                                   Interact Xpress HMI software by
                                               The XPR2’s Interact Xpress™ HMI     offering a rugged industrial design
                Interact Xpress pre-installed  software is designed specifically   with core features including:
                                               to simplify and cost reduce HMI     •  No display, 6”, 8”, 10.4” and 15”
                                               applications. Interact Xpress takes    touchscreen displays
                                               full advantage of the internet and the   •  Slim profile with consistent
                                               wide availability of web browsers to
            Contact Information:               design, publish, run and support your   features
                                               HMI applications without the cost   •  Interact Xpress HMI software
            Parker Hannifin Corporation        and complexity of desktop Windows   •  CompactFlash storage
            Electromechanical Automation Division  software and hardware.          •  AMD LX-800 CPU
            5500 Business Park Drive                                               •  2 USB ports
            Rohnert Park, CA 94928             The bundled Xpress HMI runtime      •  2 Serial ports
            phone 800.358.9068                 software offers the flexibility of Adobe   •  100BaseT Ethernet port
                                               Flash™ based web publishing that    •  Multiple control device
             allows you to run, view and even edit   connectivity
                                               your HMI application from anywhere.   •  Quick and easy clip mounting
                                                                                   •  NEMA 4X rating
                                                                                   •  24 VDC power
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