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Fulflo FB Filter Vessels
FB Model Bag Filter Vessels
Designed for Economical
Filtration of Liquids and
he Fulflo FB Series of bag and
strainer filter vessels provides excellent
filtration in a wide range of industrial
and chemical applications. All details
of design, materials, construction and
workmanship of the FB Vessel Series VV
conform to ASME code and are avail-
able in non-code design and construc-
Single O-ring design closure assures
quick, positive cover sealing (O-rings Side inlet; cover opens without dis- Applications
are not required to seal filter bags.) connecting piping
Swing bolts with eyenuts for fast, Side inlet, bottom outlet and crevice- Potable Water
easy opening and closing of cover free welded design provide a Process Water
Buna-N O-ring standard with EPR, smooth interior for easy wash-out Coatings
Viton* and fluoropolymer available and cleaning Lubricants
Maximum design pressure is 150 psi Hinged cover for easy opening Coolants
(10.3 bar) at 450°F** (232°C) Positive seal of "C" style flex band Cutting Oils
ASME Code UM stamp is standard bags prior to closing the vessel cover Solvents
(U stamp is optional) Optional hold-down assembly for
Threaded vent and drain connections conversion to G style bag media
Adjustable leg height. Threaded or seal available.
flanged inlet and outlet