Page 1 - Parker - Oil and Gas
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Oil and Gas
Disposal of Produced Water
in Oil & Natural Gas Production
Market Application Publication
Customer Value
The ability to effi ciently and
economically dispose of produced
water in the production and drilling of
oil and gas is critical in protecting the
environment and adhering to regulatory
standards. Parker’s fi ltration vessels and
cartridges help in meeting or exceeding
the disposal of this produced water.
Produced water is used to describe
water that is generated from oil and gas
production. Produced water comes
from various sources:
• Natural water layer (formation water)
in the oil and gas reservoir
• Water base drilling fl uids
• Water/brine injections used for well
Contact Information
Parker Hannifi n Corporation Produced water is initially separated rating requirements can get down to 0.5
domnick hunter from the main fl ow of oil or natural micron absolute). This process ensures
Process Filtration - North America gas using separators and coalescers. that environmental standards are met
2340 Eastman Avenue Once separated, the produced water and that plugging of the disposal well is
Oxnard, California, USA 93030 is fi ltered to remove suspended solids. signifi cantly reduced or eliminated.
The treated water is then pumped back
toll free +1 877 784 2234 into the production well or disposal well. Challenge
phone +1 805 604 3400
Generally, dirt load in produced
fax +1 805 604 3401 • To prevent plugging of disposal wells water is very high (up to 400-500
ppm) and a series fi ltration process by solid particles (pipe scale, sand)
is recommended. The series fi ltration • To prevent plugging of lines, valves, ltration
system incorporates a coarse pre- and orifi ces due to deposition of
fi ltration (deep bed or dual media fi lters) inorganic scales and particulate
followed by polishing fi lters (micron