Page 4 - My Dream Life Vision Journal Flip Through
P. 4

 My Dream Life Vision Journal
   The journaling prompts are all asked in the "as if" tense, as if your dreams have already come to fruition. The "acting as if" is imperative to the manifestation process so, I have incorporated it within the journal. Not only do I advise that you answer the questions "as if" you already have it but, you should also take the necessary steps to "act as" the person who already has all of the things that you desire because that is truly the only way that they will come. Happy Manifesting!
****etoN esaelP****
.taht htiw uoy pleh lliw ssecorp gnidraob noisiv sihT .efil ruoy otni stsefinam ti EROFEB ti ees TSUM uoY .lanoitnetni eb ot emit s'ti won ,efil elohw ruoy gnitsefinam yllanoitnetninu neeb evah uoY .ssecorp noitatsefinam LANOITNETNI eht rof evitarepmi si noitazilausiV .serutcip rof ecaps si ereht stpmorp gnilanruoj eht htiw gnolA
.saera esoht gnillif no krow ot elba eb lliw uoy taht os era spag ruoy erehw uoy wohs lliw lanruoj sihT .srehto ni dab dna ,emos ni doog ton ,efil ruoy fo srallip LLA ni elohw dna etelpmoc eb tsum uoy efil dellifluf a evil ot redro nI .efil ruoy fo rallip hcae rof stpmorp gnilanruoj uoy evig ot gniog si lanruoj sihT
...oD lanruoJ sihT lliW tahW

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