Page 52 - DHC Budget Book 2021-22 Final
P. 52
acknowledges India as one of the top 10 improvers, the third time in a row, with an improvement of 67ranks in three years. It is also the highest jump by any large country since 2011.
During FY20, total FDI equity inflows were US$49.98 billion as compared to US$44.37 billion during FY19. The similar number for FY21 (up to September-2020) was US$30.0 billion. The bulk of FDI equity flow is in the non-manufacturing sector leading to a reduction in the share of manufacturing in the FDI flows.
The ensuing year after the crisis (FY22) will require sustained and calibrated measures to facilitate the process of economic recovery and to
enable the economy to get back to its long-term growth trajectory. The revival of the industrial and infrastructure sector will be key to overall economic growth and macroeconomic stability.
External Sector
Reeling under the catastrophic results of the global pandemic countries witnessed humongous contraction in exports and imports throughout the world (Figure 7). It led to a sharp decline in global trade, lower commodity prices and tighter external financing conditions with varying implications
for current account balances and currencies of different countries.
50 Building a Resilient and Confident India