Page 3 - Power the Vote Program Book
P. 3


                                              Carrie Chapman Catt

                                            FOUNDER, LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS

      Activist Carrie Chapman Catt (1859-1947) was instru-      Catt rose rapidly in suffrage ranks. Over time she
      mental to the cause that brought equal voting rights to   became a close colleague of Susan B. Anthony, who
      U.S. citizens. A teacher and then superintendent of       selected Catt to succeed her as head of the NAWSA.
      schools in Iowa, Catt became involved in the women’s      Catt led the movement over the next twenty years,
      suffrage movement in the 1880s. She served as presi-       struggling against great odds and many frustrating
      dent of the National American Woman Suffrage Associ-       setbacks. In Catt’s approach to politics, organization
      ation (NAWSA) from 1900 to 1904 and again from            was the watchword and she was superb at it. From her
      1915 to 1920, spearheading the movement with                    first endeavors in Iowa in the 1880s to her last in
      her ability to organize campaigns, mobilize                         Tennessee in 1920, Catt supervised dozens of
      volunteers and deliver effective speeches.                             campaigns, mobilized numerous volunteers
      Shortly before the suffragists celebrated                                (1 million by the end), and made hun-
      victory with passage of the 19th                                          dreds of speeches. She made skilled use
      Amendment in 1920, Catt founded                                            of communication and publicity,
      the League of Women Voters.                                                 fashioning disciplined campaigns and
                                                                                  building a highly effective machine.
      The triumph of woman’s suffrage in
      the United States in 1920 was very                                           Catt believed it was woman’s natu-
      much the work of Carrie Catt. A                                              ral right to participate in politics on
      brilliant strategist, she was twice                                          an equal basis with men. If women
      president of the National American                                           could vote, she argued, they would
      Woman Suffrage Association                                                    become a force for world peace and
      (nawsa), first from 1900 to 1904                                              would help improve the conditions
      and then in the dramatic final years                                         of life for themselves and their
      of the struggle, from 1915 to 1920.                                        children. Above all, she was
                                                                                 concerned with women’s dignity.
      Catt, born Carrie Lane in Ripon, Wis-                                    Angry that women had no control over
      consin, spent most of her youth in Iowa,                                their lives, she felt that political participa-
      where she went to college. She became a                               tion would give them a voice in decisions
      teacher and then superintendent of schools                         affecting them, enhancing their dignity as
      in Mason City in 1883. This was an unusual                      human beings.
      achievement for a woman of that day,
      but no great surprise to those who                                        One of Catt’s overriding goals was that
      knew her. Bright, resilient, and            “Everybody counts in          of world peace, a cause she pursued
      self-confident, she never acceded to         applying democracy.           throughout her life. Another was that
      conventions that made no sense to her.       And there will never         the political process should be rational
      In 1885 Catt married newspaper editor        be a true democracy          and issue-oriented, dominated by
                                                                                citizens, not politicians. To that end, she
      Leo Chapman, but he died in California      until every responsi-         founded the League of Women Voters
      soon after, leaving her far from home        ble and law abiding          in 1920. It remains something of a
      with no resources. Eventually she            adult in it, without         monument to her ideals, devoting itself
      landed on her feet but only after some                                    to issues and placing what it considers
      harrowing experiences in the male            regard to race, sex,         the public interest over partisan
      working world. In 1890 she married          color or creed has his        politics. Catt was proud of her role in
      George Catt, a wealthy engineer. Their     or her own inalienable         this organization until the end of
      marriage allowed her to spend a good         and unpurchasable            her life.
      part of each year on the road cam-
      paigning for woman’s suffrage, a cause      voice in government.”
      she had become involved in in Iowa in                (1917)
      the late 1880s.                                                          HISTORY.COM EDITORS
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