Page 32 - Sectional Title Policy Wording
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 3. compaction or infill;
4. defective or faulty design, materials or workmanship;
5. excavations other than mining operations;
6. contraction and/or expansion of soil, clay or similar types or moist or damp;
7. removal or weakening of support to the insured property.
2. The Company will not be liable for:
2.1 loss of or damage to septic or conservancy tanks, drains, water courses unless the building(s) is damaged at the same time by the same event;
2.2 consequential loss whatsoever;
2.3 damage existing at commencement of cover.
3. The Insured will be responsible for the first 5% (five percent) of the claim minimum R5 000 (five thousand rand) of each and every occurrence giving rise to a claim.
4. If required the Insured must give proof that the loss or damage being claimed for was caused by subsidence, landslip or heave.
Wild baboons and monkeys (buildings)
Hollard will pay for loss or damage to the building(s) and outbuilding(s) stated in the Schedule caused by wild animals. Wild animals will not be regarded as vermin for the purpose of this cover;
1. Hollard will not pay more than the amount stated in the schedule;
2. You shall be responsible to pay the first 10% (ten percent) of the claim with a minimum of R500 (five hundred rand) of each and every claim.
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