Page 254 - Agriculture Policy Wording Binder
P. 254
Declaration agreement (field to floor tobacco)
The premium payable hereon is provisional and is calculated on the basis of the Insured’s estimated value of the total tobacco crop on the farm(s) stated in the Schedule and the Insured undertakes to declare to the Company at the end of the season the total value of the stated crop as determined by the sale thereof. If the total value declared be more or less than the estimated figure on which the premium has been paid then the difference in premium calculated at the rate applicable on this Section shall be paid by the Insured or be refunded to the Insured as it may be;
if a claim occurred under this Section the amount paid or payable in respect thereof will be included in such declaration.
Labourers/contractors/employees clause
If a labourer, contractor or employee does something or omits to do something without the knowledge of the Insured, which is in contradiction of the Conditions of this section, cover will not be invalidated. The insured must advise the Company of the act or omission as soon as he or she becomes aware of it.
Railway and other subrogation
The Insured shall not be prejudiced by signing the ‘Transnet Cartage (Hazardous Premises) Indemnity’ or other special agreements with Transnet Administration regarding private sidings or similar agreements with other government bodies or other similar indemnities.
The Company’s liability to the Insured shall not be affected by any act or omission on the part of any owner of a building or any tenant (other than the Insured) without the Insured’s knowledge. The Insured shall, however, inform the Company as soon as such act or omission which is a contravention of any of the Terms, Exceptions and Conditions of this Section comes to their knowledge and will be responsible for any additional premium payable from the date any increased hazard shall be assumed by the Company.
Vehicle Load
In the event of any of the Insured’s vehicles being left loaded overnight whilst in or on the premises described in the Schedule hereto the Company shall indemnify the Insured in respect of such load in the event of loss or damage by any of the perils insured against by this Section.
OPTIONAL CLAUSES AND EXTENSIONS (if stated in the Schedule to be included) Riot and strike
Subject otherwise to the Terms, Conditions, Exclusions, Exceptions and Warranties contained therein, this Section is extended to cover damage directly occasioned by or through or in consequence of:
1. civil commotion, labour disturbances, riot, strike or lockout;
2. the act of any lawfully established authority in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any other way dealing with any occurrence referred to in 1. above;
this Extension does not cover:
1. loss or damage occurring in the Republic of South Africa and Namibia;
2. consequential or indirect loss or damage of any kind or description whatsoever, other than loss of rent if specifically insured;
3. loss or damage resulting from total or partial cessation of work, or the retarding or interruption or cessation of any process or operation;
4. loss or damage occasioned by permanent or temporary dispossession resulting from confiscation, commandeering or requisition by any lawfully constituted authority;
Fire – Crop & Stack & Tobacco (Field to Floor)
Page | 252 Policy Wording – Agriculture – Binder – Version 2 2023