Page 115 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 115
We also cover you for
In addition to the standard cover outlined in the preceding pages, you are also covered for the following, subject to the relevant conditions and limits stated in the Schedule:
Damage due to vermin or animals
We will cover damage caused by vermin or domestic or wild animals. Vermin are animals and insects that can be harmful and are difficult to control when they appear in large numbers. Vermin include moths, rodents, termites, parasitic worms or any other animal or insect classified as invasive species.
Delivery after a claim
We will pay for the cost of delivering your pleasure-craft to your home address, or place of storage, after repairs following a valid claim.
Emergency and salvage expenses
We will pay for any reasonable costs incurred by you to avoid or minimise loss or damage to the pleasure-craft.
Medical benefit
We will pay the medical benefit for any occupant of the pleasure-craft who sustains bodily injury as a direct result of an insured event involving the pleasure-craft.
Transit by land
We will pay for any loss or damage sustained by your pleasure-craft while it is being transported by road, or on a roadworthy vehicle or trailer. This includes loading and offloading, but excludes any bruising, scratching or denting.
Trauma counselling
We will pay the benefit for prescribed professional counselling if you are the victim of a violent act of theft, attempted theft, hold-up or hijacking.
This benefit does not provide the benefits of a medical scheme and is not a substitute for medical scheme membership. Tow-and-assist
We will pay any reasonable costs incurred by you to tow and assist other pleasure-craft in distress, or to summon emergency assistance. In all such cases, you must supply us with a copy of the official incident report to the relevant authorities.
Towing and emergency repairs
If your pleasure-craft is immobilised as a result of an insured event, we will pay for it to be towed or delivered to a place of safety. We will also pay for any emergency repairs you authorised enabling you to continue on your journey, but you must obtain an itemised invoice.
Additional cover you can choose
Paying off your pleasure-craft
If your pleasure-craft is a write-off and you are still paying it off, we will settle the amount still outstanding up to the percentage of the sum insured stated in the Schedule. The amount paid out is calculated as if your credit agreement was an instalment agreement paid in equal instalments over a number of years plus the residual/balloon amount.
It does not include:
○ any arrear instalments or rentals (payments you may have missed as part of your credit agreement), or any interest still owing on them
○ any premium refunds or recoveries from any insurance policy.
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