Page 117 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 117
○ loss or damage arising from the fact that your pleasure-craft is not seaworthy, in terms of South African law, or has not been maintained
○ loss or damage arising from the fact that your pleasure-craft was defectively designed or constructed. Pleasure-craft left unattended
There is no cover if the pleasure-craft is unattended and left moored or anchored off an exposed beach or shoreline, resulting in it being stranded, sunk, swamped or going adrift.
Unsecured motors
There is no cover for theft of motors or if they fall overboard, unless they have been bolted or chained to the hull.
Motors accidentally immersed
There is no cover for loss or damage to motors accidentally immersed in water, unless you have taken reasonable steps to flush and repair them immediately.
Sails torn by the wind
There is no cover for loss or damage to sails and protective covers torn by the wind, or blown away while being hoisted.
Theft or attempted theft
There is no cover for theft or attempted theft of the following:
○ fixtures, fittings, equipment and outboard motors of the pleasure-craft unless there are visible signs of force.
○ jet skis, wet bikes and similar types of pleasure-crafts that are left unsecured and unattended in the open, or on a trailer.
Driving under the influence
There is no cover where the person operating your pleasure-craft:
○ is under the influence of alcohol
○ is under the influence of drugs or medication, unless it is prescribed by a doctor and is taken in the correct dosage
○ refuses to submit to any test to determine the level of alcohol or drugs in their blood, such as a blood, urine or breathalyser test.
The following instances of liability
Although we do cover you for general liability towards third parties, this does not include the following specific cases:
○ seepage, pollution or contamination, or the cost of removing, nullifying or cleaning, unless it is caused by a sudden, unintended and unforeseen occurrence
○ loss or damage to property for which you are responsible while conveyed on the pleasure-craft, except if it belongs to passengers or waterskiers
○ death or bodily injury:
– to a member of your family
– to your employee, arising out of and in the course of their employment by you
– due to any advice or treatment, other than first-aid treatment, given or administered by you or by any person acting on your behalf
○ liability of a third party accepted by you in an agreement, unless you would have been liable even without the agreement
○ conveying the pleasure-craft by land.
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