Page 24 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 24

  What we cover you for
We cover you for loss or damage to your buildings caused by any of the following insured events, subject to the limits and conditions listed:
1. Fire
Fire, lightning or explosion
You are covered for building damage that is caused by fire, lightning or explosion.
2. Weather
Storm, wind, water, hail, etc.
You are covered for building damage that is caused by storms, as well as related activity such as wind, water, hail, snow and flooding.
We do not cover loss or damage caused by changes in the water table (except as a result of a storm) causing water to seep or run.
3. Earthquake
You are covered for building damage that is caused by an earthquake.
4. Impact
Impact with the buildings; falling trees
You are covered for building damage that is caused by sudden impact. Examples are a tree falling onto the buildings or a wall collapsing onto a part of your property. However, the cover does not apply if the event is caused by outside agents – for example, tree fellers or building contractors – in the course of work they are doing for you.
5. Leaks, flooding
Bursting, leaking, overflowing of water apparatus; leakage of oil
Damage to water apparatus and fixed oil heaters: You are covered for damage to water apparatus and fixed oil heaters, caused by bursting or leaking. This includes all components that form part of the fixed oil heater or heating system that generates hot water, such as electrical geysers, gas geysers, solar geysers and heat pumps. Cover includes mechanical or electrical breakdown of the heating system. Electrical and solar geysers are covered up to the limits stated in the Schedule.
Damage to the building: You are covered for damage to the building caused by leaking or overflowing of water from water apparatus such as geysers, tanks, pipes and heat pumps. You are also covered for damage caused by the sudden leakage of oil from oil heaters.
Damage to concealed water pipes: We cover loss or damage to concealed water pipes, in full, if they leak or burst as a result of increased water pressure or freezing.
Although gradual deterioration (such as rust and corrosion) is excluded under the General Exclusion “Wear and tear”, we will cover damage to concealed water pipes as a result of this once during the lifetime of the policy. Thereafter it will be for your own account.
6. Theft
Theft pay-out depends on circumstances, security and occupancy
The exact amount we pay out for theft always depends on the underlying circumstances. Sometimes we pay out up to the full sum insured – for example, when the theft occurs from your private residential building while the premises are unoccupied and the minimum security is in place.
Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023

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