Page 26 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 26

  We also cover you for
In addition to the insured events outlined in the preceding pages, you are also covered for the following, subject to the relevant conditions, and up to the limits stated in the Schedule.
Accidental damage to the buildings
We will pay for accidental loss or damage to the buildings. This does not include loss or damage to the following items:
○ irrigation equipment, driveways, pavements, roads, cables, cableways, excavations or property below ground
○ fixed machinery.
In addition, it does not include loss or damage arising from the following events:
○ spontaneous collapse of the buildings as a result of defective material, workmanship, design or construction
○ while alterations, extensions or improvements such as painting or tiling are being done at your home
○ flaws or defects (whether latent or visible) in any aspect of the design, construction, workmanship or maintenance of the premises
○ subsidence, landslip or ground heave
○ chemicals, oils, corrosive liquids, gases or fumes
○ denting, chipping, scratching or cracking, unless the functionality of the item has been affected and it can no longer be used
○ frost, change in temperature, expansion or humidity
○ dampness, dryness, wet- or dry-rot
○ contamination or pollution
○ gradual change in colour, texture or finish
○ corrosion, rust, oxidation or any other chemical action or reaction
○ any loss resulting from an excluded event under any other section
○ depreciation
○ any loss claimable under another clause or section of the policy.
Check your Schedule now to see if this limited cover is likely to be sufficient to cover the full replacement cost in the event of loss or damage. If you feel that it is not enough, you may ask us for additional cover so that we can increase the limit.
Accidental damage to fixed machinery
We will pay for sudden and unexpected damage to fixed machinery installed at your premises which is used for domestic purposes only.
We will not pay for loss or damage caused:
○ by gradual deterioration such as wear and tear, rust, mildew, corrosion, decay
○ by cleaning, repairing or restoring by any manner or method
○ to any data or telecommunication equipment or apparatus
○ any loss claimable under another clause or section of the policy.
We will not pay for loss or damage while the machinery is covered by a manufacturer’s guarantee, purchase agreement or service contract.
Check your Schedule now to see if this limited cover is likely to be sufficient to cover the full replacement cost in the event of loss or damage. If you feel that it is not enough, you may ask us for additional cover so that we can increase the limit.
 24 Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023

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