Page 27 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 27
Acts by tenants
We will cover you against loss or damage when your tenant’s actions or failure to act would lead to a claim rejection. This is on condition that:
○ You are not aware of their actions or failure to act.
○ You tell us as soon as you learn about it.
Alternative accommodation or loss of rent
If your building becomes uninhabitable because of damage to it caused by an insured event, we will cover you for the following:
○ If you live in the building, we will cover you for the cost of living in alternative accommodation of similar value and location as the insured building, for you, your domestic employees and pets. We will also cover you for emergency accommodation we have agreed to, for up to two nights, whilst you are finding alternative accommodation of similar value and location.
○ If you rent out the building, or part of it, we will cover you for the loss of rental income payable by the tenant. You must give proof of the rental income you would have received.
This cover will apply until the earliest of the following:
○ The insured building becomes habitable again.
○ The limit stated in the Schedule has been reached.
The cover in this section does not apply when the buildings are being structurally altered.
Damage to the garden
We will pay for any damaged trees, shrubs or plants that need to be replaced after an insured event, so long as the claim was not caused by theft.
Demolition and professional fees
If the buildings have to be demolished as a result of a claim settlement, we will pay the following additional costs that you may have to incur, provided you obtain our written consent:
○ demolishing the buildings, removing debris and erecting hoardings required for building operations
○ fees for the services of architects, quantity surveyors, consulting engineers and local authorities
○ any actions required by a public authority.
Domestic and wild animals
We will pay for loss or damage to your buildings caused by:
○ Wild animals, being non-domesticated animals living freely in their natural environment.
○ Domestic animals that do not belong to you.
Loss or damage caused by vermin is excluded, except for monkeys and baboons.
Emergency-services expenses
We will pay for the costs charged by any emergency-services provider – such as the fire brigade – that has to be called in to respond to an insured event.
Glass and sanitary-ware
We will pay for the repair of any accidental breakage to fixed glass (for example, mirrors) and sanitary-ware (for example, washbasins, toilet bowls), except when this is the result of chipping, scratching or disfiguration.
This cover does not apply when:
○ the buildings are unfurnished or unoccupied
○ the buildings are being structurally altered.
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