Page 30 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 30

 Water leakage from underground pipes
We will pay for any additional charges on your municipal water bill that result from leakage of underground pipes on your premises. This is subject to the following conditions:
○ on the date the leak was fixed, the water consumption reading must be more than 50% of the average of the previous four readings
○ the additional charges are not caused by:
– leaking taps, geysers, toilet systems or swimming pools
– loss of water from swimming pools or their pipes
○ your buildings are not unoccupied for more than 60 days
○ you immediately trace the leak
○ you repair the leak at your own expense
○ we will not pay for more than one event every 12 months.
Wheelchair- and disability-friendly alterations
We will pay for alterations to enable you to continue using your buildings, if you are accidentally injured during the period of insurance and become wheelchair-bound or physically disabled as a result. Examples are installing ramps for your wheelchair or rails to assist with blindness.
If the limit for this benefit is not enough in the event of a claim and you have Household contents cover under this policy, we will pay any difference up to the limit of this benefit under the Household contents policy section.
Additional cover you can choose
The cover below is not automatic. It applies only if you have specifically requested it – i.e. it is listed as covered in the Schedule.
Accidental damage to buildings – increased cover
We will pay up to the limit stated in the Schedule for accidental loss or damage to the buildings. This does not include loss or damage to the following items:
○ irrigation equipment, driveways, pavements, roads, cables, cableways, excavations or property below ground. In addition, it does not include loss or damage arising from the following events:
○ spontaneous collapse of the buildings as a result of defective material, workmanship, design or construction
○ any work done on the buildings, or normal maintenance
○ flaws or defects (whether latent or visible) in any aspect of the design, construction, workmanship or maintenance of the buildings
○ subsidence, landslip or ground heave
○ chemicals, oils, corrosive liquids, gases or fumes
○ denting, chipping, scratching or cracking, unless the functionality of the item has been affected and it can no longer be used
○ frost, change in temperature, expansion or humidity
○ dampness, dryness, wet- or dry-rot
○ contamination or pollution
○ gradual change in colour, texture or finish
○ corrosion, rust, oxidation or any other chemical action or reaction
○ any loss resulting from an excluded event under any other section
○ depreciation
○ any loss claimable under another clause or section of the policy.
This is additional cover, and applies if the limited cover is not enough to pay for loss or damage to your buildings.
   28 Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023

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