Page 31 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 31
Accidental damage to fixed machinery – increased cover
We will pay for sudden and unexpected damage to fixed machinery installed at your premises which are used for domestic purposes only, up to the limit stated in the Schedule.
We will not pay for loss or damage caused:
○ by gradual deterioration such as wear and tear, rust, mildew, corrosion, decay
○ by cleaning, repairing or restoring by any manner or method
○ to any data or telecommunication equipment or apparatus
○ any loss claimable under another clause or section of the policy.
We will not pay for loss or damage while the machinery is covered by a manufacturer’s guarantee, purchase agreement or service contract.
This is additional cover, and applies if the limited cover is not enough to repair or replace your fixed machinery.
Geyser – extended cover
Pay-out is limited to the amount stated in the Schedule.
We cover the installation of green building products after a valid claim for the replacement of any water apparatus, such as a geyser. A green building product is one that meets the industry-recognised green standard for that kind of product in any of the following ways:
○ using less energy, water or natural resources;
○ generating less waste; or
○ providing a healthier environment.
For example, your electrical geyser needs to be replaced after it burst. You would prefer not to replace it with a similar electrical geyser, but to rather upgrade it to a solar geyser. We will pay the cost to upgrade your electrical geyser to a solar geyser, but only up to the limit stated in the Schedule.
We will only pay once for the upgrade of an item.
Subsidence, landslip or ground heave – extended cover
Pay-out is limited to the sum insured stated in the Schedule.
We will cover any loss or damage to the private residential building and the domestic outbuildings (including fixtures and fittings attached to these buildings) caused by subsidence, landslip or ground heave as explained under the limited cover. In addition to this we will also cover the following items and causes that are excluded from the limited cover:
○ Loss or damage to driveways, swimming pools and tennis courts caused by subsidence, landslip or ground heave.
○ Loss or damage to boundary, retaining and garden walls, gate posts, fences, septic or conservancy tanks, water paths, drains, paths and terraces, paving and swimming pool surroundings, but only if the private residential building or outbuildings are damaged at the same time by subsidence, landslip or ground heave.
○ Loss of damage caused as a result of the contraction and/or expansion of active soils due to the moisture or water content of such active soil as is experienced in clay and other similar types of ground.
Specific exclusions apply to subsidence, landslip or ground heave, (for both limited cover and extended cover), under What is not covered.
Keys, locks and remote controls – increased cover
Pay-out is limited to the amount stated in the Schedule.
We will pay for the cost of replacing lost, stolen or damaged keys, locks and remote controls, as well as the call-out costs of a technician and the reprogramming of any coded alarm system. This will also apply if you have reasonable suspicion that an unauthorised person has access to duplicates.
This is additional cover, and applies if the limited cover is not enough to replace your keys, locks or remote controls.
Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023 29